Saturday, February 23, 2008

Austin here we come!

Thank gawd that winter took a brief hiatus.. for me! Well, okay, so I’m taking a brief hiatus from winter via Austin, TX. Of course this comes at some sort of sacrifice…..

First, I was forced to leave this:

And ride one of these:

And go do this:

BUT, when the weather and roads look like this:

You can’t really do lots of this for training:

But you do end up drinking lots of this:

So, now we’re driving down to Austin, which is a good 10 hour drive, and we didn’t even leave until 330pm and saw the sun set while we were just south of Topeka.

That’s not a good sign.

I’m staying a week down here to work on my tan and to ride my bike as much as I can. Also, there are some friends here I’d like to reconnect with.


Ben-in-UK said...

that's one of my photographs, asshole

Ben-in-UK said...

I sell those to the guardian for 195 pounds a piece, asshole!!

Ben-in-UK said...

btw ben-in-uk is very, very drunk right now...